Rapid industrialisation

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  • not a paramount factor. Despite many patents being implemented,workforce still upmost importance, 12 million immigrants coming to work in America 1870-1900.
    • few labour saving devices, bessemer process still required workers to put pif or wrought iron into a Bessemer furnace.
    • without influx workers, improved lightbulbs immaterial if no workers to labour into night
    • without an influx of workers, improvementstransporttion such as the steamship made journeys safer and improved speed of journeys (from 5-8 knots wooden ships to 12 knots slow steaming ships
  • primary condition created US government made techno advances ignite.
    • pro-patent climate 1870-80's
      • US patent law (consitution)- promoted '...progress in science and useful arts...', granted rights to inventors to writings, discoveries (e.g. Bell's telephone success through experimentation in sound), encouragement.
    • investigative labs, Menlo Park, TE apply 400 patents himself. Unrestrictive law favoured experimentation.
    • Gov actively helped, e.g. US navy helping to lie Atlantic Cable, granting money for forming Cable , granting money for it. Also provided subsidies and loans form railroads across US.
  • Conc
    • techno advances aided growth monopolies: provide communication, improve means transportation, bettering/ increasing quantity of commodity.
    • but acted more as a catalyst to fuel corporations which went on to play huge part in RI
    • only possible underlying conditions gov: encourage experi, help construct modern America.


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