Raising Agents

  • Created by: me2811
  • Created on: 17-04-18 13:46
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  • Raising Agents
    • Why are raising agents used?
      • consumers expect baked products to have a light, open, soft and 'spongy' texture
      • to create the desired texture, a raising agent is added to the uncooked mixture to introduce  lots of gas bubbles, which will expand when the mixture is baked in the oven
    • What is a raising agent?
      • the gas bubbles in raising agents are air, CO2 and steam
    • How do raising agents work?
      • the action of moisture, heat or acidity triggers a reaction with the raising agent to produce to produce the gas bubbles
      • As a cake mixture, batter or dough cooks, the gas bubbles given off by the raising agent make it rise by expanding and pushing it upwards and outwards
      • the gas bubbles then become set in it and provide the soft, sponge-like texture
  • Biological
    • by using yeast to produce CO2 gas
  • by using baking powder or bicarbonate of soda to produce CO2 gas
    • Chemical


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