Racial aspects of Zulu War.

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  • Racial aspects of the Zulu War.
    • Victorians perceived the Zulus.
      • "Spear wielding savages" Spear - not as strong as a sword or gun. Wielding "not know how to properly attack. Savage - animal like.
        • Humiliated the British, eager for a cover up. - disobeyed orders, lack of ammunition.
      • Typically British stereotype underestimated the Zulus.
    • The Zulu Warrior
      • Shaka - military genius, bought the family clans into one nation to defend against the whites and protect the land (element of protecting the screed homeland)
      • Faithful to their leader, prisoners are not taken. Failed to obey would be an outcast.
      • Wore red jackets as a ritual of the deceased enemy - meant it would be easier to blend in.
      • Disemboweled the enemy, release the soul - anyone attacked by a zulu would be killed.
    • Bulls horns.
      • Horns - encircle and envelop red coats, very fast and of the younger warriors.
      • Powerful body, experienced Zulus, attacked head on.
      • Head crushes army while faster troops encircle the army so they don't run away.
    • Adaptions to land.
      • No wheeled transport to slow them down.
      • Marched very fast - used to it, undeveloped country, no cars. Minimal supply - again do not have the items.
      • Understood the land - practised hiding and ambush when hunting, also knew how to attack from capturing wild beast (since a young age) - built up stregth and courage.
      • Knew where caves were - find hiding Redcoats, knew good spots to ambush.
    • Growing up.
      • Stick fighting used as socialisation.
      • All Zulu men expected to do heroic traditions.
      • Boy grows up with a spear, used to heard cattle.
      • Children over 6 enrolled in battle - becomes a lifestyle.
      • Military conquests gave the Zulus a status distinction.


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