race relations

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  • Race Relations Act 1976-2003
    • Provides protection from racial discrimination, either direct or indirect, in the fields of housing, employment, education and the provision of goods, facilities and services.
    • A person can be considered to be discriminated against if they are treated less favourably than others, intentionally or unintentionally, on the grounds of colour, ethnic origin, nationality, race or background.
    • Promotes racial equality and equal opportunities and has made it illegal to discriminate against people on the above grounds.
    • Various sections within the Act that cover, for example:
      • employment agencies
      • discrimination by other bodies e.g. Trade Unions
      • discrimination in other fields such as education, facilities, services and premises
      • discrimination by employers
    • Race Relations Act 2000, amended the 1976 Act. Went further by prohibiting race discrimination in all public functions for example
      • employment or seeking employment
      • renting, buying or selling a house
      • all types of education and training
    • The Race Relations Act 1976 was amended again in 2003. This amended the difinition of indirect discrimination and changing the way in which burden proof applies, as well as removing a number of exceptions from the legislation. The main modifications include:
      • a freestanding definition of racial harassment
      • a new definition of indirect discrimination
      • changes to the burden of proof, which means that once a complaint has been made, an alleged discriminator must prove that they did not commit unlawful discrimination
    • Indirect discrimination - discriminating without intention


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