Public health interventions for addiction

  • Created by: Charlie
  • Created on: 08-06-13 15:39
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  • Public health interventions for addiction
    • Doctors advice
      • Research was conducted to compare the effectiveness of advice given by doctors, to people who wanted to quit smoking.The researchers were interested in what kind of advice was the most effective.
        • Across five London based GP practices, patients were given differing degrees of advice on quitting.
          • They found the highest rates (5.1) were given a leaflet on how to quit with tips.
    • Legislation - has ban advertising - after the 1970's it became illegal to advertise tobacco on television. Google and Microsoft have policies that outlaw the promotion of sales of their networks. Also there are label that warn smoker of the effects of smoking on packageing when sold and in 2003 the EU halted any misleading words like "light or mild" on these labels.
    • Increasing cost - cost of cigarettes has increased significantly over the year going from £1.65 to £7.47 in 2012. Also there are limits  to how much cigaerttes you can buy tax free.
    • Control of sales and bans
      • Control of sales - all tabacoo product stay in hidden closed cupboards. You have to be 18 to buy and 16 to smoke cigarettes.
      • Bans - banned drinking in non-licensed area (parks etc.) and in 2007 it became illegal to smoke in enclosed areas like restaurants.
    • Reducing harmful components
      • The American medical association looked into ways to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine in cigarettes. Smokers would then in theory wean off of it and find it easier to quit. However to compensate for the lack of nicotine in one then could just smoke more cigarettes
      • Benowitz - small study where smokers were given cigarettes which gradually had less and nicotine in them. By the end of the trail the results suggested the smokers increased the amount of cigarettes they smoked. supports that although nicotine is what makes them so addictive there must also be factors like cognition.


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