psychology guilt

  • Created by: gurlxxn
  • Created on: 13-04-19 19:24
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  • Psychology of guilt
    • X connected politics of time - S's artistic exploration of how he sees the world
      • play explores effect of guilt on the mind
    • Banquo's dream
      • "i dreamt last night of the three weird sisters"
        • dreams about witches before they even appear - sign of their supernatural power
          • or sign how Banquo's ambition taking over his mind so starts to believe impossible as he couldn't have dreamt about them before they even appears
            • leads question that is his mind fractured in a sense (way M+LM's is later on)
    • Dagger
      • is this a dagger which i see before me"
        • dagger is not really there so could fracture that's going on in his psyche because he is going to go against his better nature
          • sense of morality here - S suggests if you go against what you know is good it will ultimately destroy your mind but he is also interested how we become disconnected from ourselves and how we invent alternate realities to justify actions
            • M sees this dagger as an excuse
              • similarly "sleep no more"  imagines a voice has said this but actually his own mind telling him there are mental consequences to conspiring thoughts + X "sleep" after u've done it X sanity
    • Banquo's ghost (similar warning)
      • Dagger
        • is this a dagger which i see before me"
          • dagger is not really there so could fracture that's going on in his psyche because he is going to go against his better nature
            • sense of morality here - S suggests if you go against what you know is good it will ultimately destroy your mind but he is also interested how we become disconnected from ourselves and how we invent alternate realities to justify actions
              • M sees this dagger as an excuse
                • similarly "sleep no more"  imagines a voice has said this but actually his own mind telling him there are mental consequences to conspiring thoughts + X "sleep" after u've done it X sanity
      • many see supernatural apparition as a sign that powers evil at work again in world
        • S more interested human context here - ghost only product M's imagination + therefore it's product of his own mind + S interested in how the mind gets damaged + in this play it's when you go against your better nature
    • LM sleeping walking
      • sign of her fractured mind but it's X only because of fact she's had to go against her better nature, its that society has forced her to do that
        • only way she can have power + meaning in world is through acts of men so she has to learn manipulate men in order successful in life
          • those very qualities are ones ultimately lead to her own tragedy
            • "out, out damned spot" " All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand."
              • then her imagining smell of blood is fascinating because she becoming M here  -he's the one who couldn't wash blood from his hands after killed D
                • "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?"
                  • her mind is so fractured she starts  to take on M's guilt + his psychology
    • Macduff "my wife and children's ghosts will haunt me still"
      • mind haunted fact he left wives and children (links theme masculinity)
        • acted warrior, acted impulsively went off join Malcolm to fight noble fight - doing that left family utterly defenceless his own fractured mind will not forgive him
          • therefore psychology guilt really powerful here - S saying destroyed things we know we shouldn't do - which artistic vision but it also matches political vision where trying warn King J at every opportunity X go act in way that go against his own better nature + X suffer that guilt


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