Psychological explanations

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  • Psychological explanations
    • Cognitive Explanations
      • Delusions
        • When people with sz hear voices they ask others to confirm. When others don't confirm the P thinks others are lying. 
        • This leads to delusional beliefs that they are being manipulated by others.
      • Hallucinations
        • The brains of people with sz produce  unreal sensations like seeing things
      • Eval
        • P's were found to jump to conclusions and experience their thoughts as voices
        • CBTp has shown to be effective which test the validity of their beliefs
        • It doesn't explain the cause, it only explains the symptoms and only the +
      • The P has a dysfunctional thought process which is when they are unable to process info correctly
    • Family Dysfunction
      • Double Bind theory
        • Children who receive contradictory messages from parents are more likely to develop sz
        • A mother says "I love you" but looks away in disgust
        • The messages lead to the child being unable to cope and creating their own reality
      • Expressed Emotion (EE)
        • This states that a high level of EE in the home can: worsen the prognosis and increase the likelihood of relapse and readmission 
        • There are three dimensions of EE
          • Emotional over-involvement when the family blames themselves for the sz.  The family show  concern for the P.
          • Hostility is directed at the P because the family feels that sz is controllable and that the P chooses not to get better. 
          • Critical attitudes are when the family shows openness that sz is not all in the P's control but there is still criticism. 
          • The high level of EE is too much for the P to handle. This stress may cause the P to relapse.
      • Eval
        • Sz's recalled more double bind statements however people with sz have memory problems so they may have recalled wrong
        • In Tienari's study he found that sz only came about when under appropriate environmental factors
        • Not all P's who live in high EE families relapse and not all P's who live in low EE families  recover


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