revison notes for agression studies and and theory

  • Created by: hebbaakad
  • Created on: 07-04-17 17:30
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  • psychology :    TV and video games
    • theories
      • biological explanations for aggression
        • the lymbatic system is the brain area  that is involved in emotions and the amagdala is the brain structure involved in aggression
          • people with emotional disorders have shown damages to the amagdala as this brain structure is responsible for recognising and producing the aggressive response
        • people with emotional disorders have shown damages to the amagdala as this brain structure is responsible for recognising and producing the aggressive response
        • studies
          • animal studies have shown that if the amygdala is removed the animal becomes calm and doesn't respond in       threatening situations and so damage in that area can increase aggression
          • case studies on humans
            • king(1961) described a case of a young women who 's amagdala was electrically stimulated during an operation and the women become more aggressive verbally and threating until the electric current was turned off
            • Charles Whitman case -killed 13 people from an observation tower at texas uni after killing his wife &mother . he left behind a note asking doctors to examine his brain as he was convinced that something was making him aggressive - doctors found that there was a brain tumour pressing against his amygdala
          • there are difficulties with researching human biology and they include


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