protest and reaction

  • Created by: Lailaks
  • Created on: 13-04-18 16:32
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  • protest and reaction
    • civil rights
      • significance of Malcom X:
        • highlighted the problems of the ghetto and encouraged riots.
        • 'the hate that hate' publicized Malcom to the white people and introduced his idea of them as being the enemy.
        • the nation of islam drew attention to problems of the ghettos, contributed to growing pride of being black and helped with the development of black power movement.
        • Malcom X; aimed to improve black lives to advertise and encourage change. Malcom X wanted separatism from the whites and for black people to have control on their own social economic and political lives. He rejected king's ideology of non-violence and integration.
      • black panthers and black power
        • black power meant political, social independence and racial pride
        • the black panthers; 'heirs of Malcom X' who wanted full employment, decent housing, end to police brutality and education that teaches true black history
          • the ghetto problem; they had over 40 clinics advising on health, welfare and legal rights. They ran breakfast programs for poor black school children and built a liberation school in 1969.
          • police brutality; they stock piled weapons for self defense and wanted to expose police. they appeared strong and fearless however, they were a frequent target for the FBI as they antagonized white authorities.
        • opposition from the police  decreased black panther influence. by early 70s black power movement had died down, as it didn't have white liberal funding, it was seen as sexist as it alienated its female supporters and it was poorly organized
      • Ceasar Chavez;
        • around 80% of Mexican Americans lived in urban ghetto were they suffered high unemployment, police brutality and poor housing. LULAC was formed but didn't have much support or attention as many of Mexican Americans were poorly educated and not US citizens.
        • most Mexican Americans worked in joquain valley in California as farmers where they had no protection or rights, they earned minimum wage or less, their health was jeopardized because plants were sprayed with harmful disinfecting  chemicals.
        • Chavez organized a 300 mile non violent march  to draw attention. The UFW had a national boycott which was supported by 17 mill Americans.
        • Chavez was seen as a hero; he played a role in gaining attention for MA needs. he stimulated the civil rights movement for Mexican Americans.


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