Prophecy Regarding The Messiah

1 - suffering servant

2 - why jesus

3 - new testament references

4 - did jesus claim he was the messiah

5 - is the messianic secret theory credible

6 - criticising wrede's theory

  • Created by: hiyaarora
  • Created on: 29-05-21 16:02
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  • Prophecy Regarding the Messiah
    • The Suffering Servant of Isaiah
      • Isaiah 53:4 "suffered in our place"
      • Isaiah 53:4 : took up our pain and bore our suffering
        • Matthew 8:14-17 'He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases'
      • Isaiah 53:12 : numbered with the transgressors
        • Luke 22:36-38 'And he was numbered with the transgressors'
    • Is The Messianic Secret Theory Credible?
      • William Wrede suggested that Mark joined the stories together to suggest a 'Messianic Secret'. Jesus kept his identity on purpose
        • Jesus did this to show people's lack of faith in him
        • Jesus did this to avoid people being distracted by his ability to make miracles. Those who have faith in him will see the miracles. Kind of like a test
        • Jesus is humble and never desired attention
        • Wrede concludes that the passages in Mark's gospel where Jesus admits to being a Messiah is fictions and that part was just added in later to prove to people that Jesus is Messiah
          • This is based on Markan Priority (he would've been executed for his beliefs) however since Matthew and Luke was written later they wouldn't have to construct a secretive narrative
      • Bultmann said Jesus didn't fit the Jewish version of a Messiah and therefore kept himself a secret knowing no one would understand
      • Manson and Bruce said Jesus didn't want Roman interference in his life's work
      • Mark 10:45 Jesus case to serve not be served
    • Did Jesus claim He was the Messiah?
      • Mark 14:53-65 High Priest questions Jesus and asks whether Jesus is the Christ, the blessed one and Jesus says "I am"
      • Mark 10:46-52 Jesus heals a blind man who calls him the Son of David. However Jesus didn't warn him because he was on his way to Jerusalem, his death
      • Mark 1:40-45 Jesus heals a man with leprosy just by touching his hand and strongly commanded him not to tell anyone
      • Mark 5:35-43 Jesus heals Jairus' daughter from the bed and gave strict orders not to let anyone know
    • Criticising Wrede's Theory
      • Morna ******: "If he believed himself to be in any sense the Messiah the last thing he would do is claim the title"
        • Maybe Jesus didn't want to be a celebrity for his miracles
        • Not everyone believes in Markan priority. If Matthew was first, we can see that the details about Jesus identifying himself as a Messiah was not added in later
        • Authorities would try to silence him.     People would misunderstand him so he uses 'Son of Man' to distance himself from the recognition
      • Mark 11:1-11 Jesus' triumphant entry on a donkey to where he doesn't deny the name 'King'
  • Did Jesus claim He was the Messiah?
    • Mark 14:53-65 High Priest questions Jesus and asks whether Jesus is the Christ, the blessed one and Jesus says "I am"
    • Mark 10:46-52 Jesus heals a blind man who calls him the Son of David. However Jesus didn't warn him because he was on his way to Jerusalem, his death
    • Mark 1:40-45 Jesus heals a man with leprosy just by touching his hand and strongly commanded him not to tell anyone
    • Mark 5:35-43 Jesus heals Jairus' daughter from the bed and gave strict orders not to let anyone know




I don't believe in any prophecies.



I have always been fascinated by the idea that there are people who possess the ability to see into the future. For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to the mysticism of psychic mediums and their supposed ability to connect with the spirit world.

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