Probability and Significance

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  • Probability and Significance
    • Probability is a measure of the likelihood that an event will happen
      • probability = number of facourable outcomes       ----------    number of possible outcomes
      • Probability of an event can be seen as the level of confidence that an event will happen
      • Probability can be written as a number between 0-1
        • 0 means impossible
        • 1 means certain
    • Favourable outcomes
      • If you bet that a dice will land on a 6, there is only one favourable outcome - the 6
      • If 5 black horses and 3 white horses are  in a race, and you bet on a black one to win, there are 5 favourable outcomes - one of the 5 black horses
    • Fractions can be turned into percentages
    • Before carrying out a piece of scientific research it is convention for a psychologist - or any scientist- to select a significance level
      • This significance level is relevant when analysing results using inferential statistics and calculates the probability that a set of significant results have occurred by chance.
      • Probability value = significance
      • The most commonly selected significance level is p=0.05
        • If there is no other significance level given in the exam use this one
        • At this significance level there is a 5% probability that the results occurred by chance
          • Only applies if the results are significant
    • A common mistake is to think that significance levels tell you the probability of getting a significant result
      • Significance levels are only relevant IF you get a significant result...other wise you simply ignore the significance level - it is irrelevant


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