Maternal Privation

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 01-12-13 11:00
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  • Maternal Privation
    • Studies of children raised in institutions indicate that privation does not necessarily have harmful effects.
      • Hodges and Tizard
        • natural experiment - can't guarantee it wan't affected by outside variables
        • data was collected through interviews but there was no independant check on the accuracy of the information gathered.
          • those looking to adopt children will be more desperate to have them but the childrens biological parents/life at home may be resentful, resulting in better treatment at adopted homes.
        • 8 years old - adopted children had formed an attachment+ had a higher IQ than institutionalised children who had not formed an attachment. At 16 years old adoptees still had better relationships with adults and higher IQ's but all children showed problems fitting in with peers.
  • Studies of children raised in institutions indicate that privation does not necessarily have harmful effects.
    • Hodges and Tizard
      • natural experiment - can't guarantee it wan't affected by outside variables
      • data was collected through interviews but there was no independant check on the accuracy of the information gathered.
        • those looking to adopt children will be more desperate to have them but the childrens biological parents/life at home may be resentful, resulting in better treatment at adopted homes.
      • 8 years old - adopted children had formed an attachment+ had a higher IQ than institutionalised children who had not formed an attachment. At 16 years old adoptees still had better relationships with adults and higher IQ's but all children showed problems fitting in with peers.
  • longitudinal - we can therefore guarantee that the experiment wasn't harmed by the childrens individual differences.
    • children showing less obvious signs of psychological harm were more likely to be chosen for adoption - selection bias.
      • Extreme isolation can severely restrict a child's development
        • Maternal Privation
        • Genie
          • Extreme isolation can severely restrict a child's development
            • she had intellectual retardation, social maladjustment and dwarfism
              • she picked up language but not grammar and showed signs of beginning to form a basic attachment
          • we don't know if intellectual retardation was a result of privation of if she had it anyway.
            • Genie
              • she had intellectual retardation, social maladjustment and dwarfism
                • she picked up language but not grammar and showed signs of beginning to form a basic attachment
          • she never had a committed attachment figure so we can't tell  if she was able to form an attachment or not.
            • we can't tell cause and effect
              • we don't know if intellectual retardation was a result of privation of if she had it anyway.
            • the study never finished so we can't tell long term effects
              • It was a case study so we have to be cautious in generalising.


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