Primary school teaching

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  • Primary school teaching
    • Why is it an issue within  health and social care?
    • Who are the people who require the service?
      • Working in a primary school means that the children will be the ones using the service provided.
    • What support is available?
      • Within Primary schools, there are many different roles within apart from being just a primary school teacher.
      • Some of these roles include: head teachers, office staff, teaching assistants care takers, etc.
    • What problems/ difficulties are there in providing services e.g. cost, availability, etc?
      • Low pay means that more teachers are going on strike.
      • Not enough money in schools to provide equipment and school essentials
    • issues arising in Primary school teaching
      • "Every child matters"
        • The every child matters policy was launched in England and Wales in 2003
          • the act was put together after the death of a child called Victoria Climbie
            • Victoria was severely abused by her aunt and her aunt's boyfriend
              • she was abused by being tied up for more than 24 hours, burnt by cigarettes and hit by bike chains, hammers and wires. She also had to sleep in a bin bag of her own waste
                • She died on the 25th February 2000 suffering from hypothermia, multi-organ failure, and malnurtition
                  • The government set up this act to protect other vulnerable children; preventing them from being abused lie Victoria was.
                    • So, by scrapping this act, who's going to protect the young children from this?


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