pressure of gases 2

  • Created by: aleena147
  • Created on: 30-10-19 19:33
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  • pressure of gases 2
    • a change in pressure can cause a change in volume
      • if the pressure of a gas is increased, the force increases, if the pressure decreases the force decreases
      • if a gas is in a container that can change volume e.g balloon this can change the volume of the container and the gas too
    • pressure on the outside of the container too
      • unless its a vacuum
      • if a balloon isn't expanding or contracting , then the pressure of the gas pushing outwards is equal to the one pushing inwards from outside
      • if the pressure is increased the force pushing outwards will be higher than the one pushing inwards this causes balloon to expand
        • as the balloon expands, the gas particles hit the inside walls less often this causes pressure to decrease, once the pressure has fallen back to same level as atmospheric pressure balloon will stop expanding.
      • if the pressure decreases, pressure on outside will be bigger than inside, so there'll be a net inward force and balloon will contract
        • causes pressure inside balloon to rise, as particles hit wall more often, until pressure inside= pressure outside.
      • syringe example:
        • you can compress a syringe filled with air by pushing hard on the plunger.
        • the volume of the gas in the syringe will decrease until its pressure is equal to the pressure youre exerting on the plunger
    • doing work on a gas can increase the temp
      • doing work can increase the internal energy which increases the temp
      • example: bike pump, the gas exerts pressure on the plunger of the pump and so exerts a force on it.
        • work has to be done against this force to push down the plunger, this transfers energy to ke store of the gas particles so increases internal energy and the temp


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