pressure of gases

  • Created by: aleena147
  • Created on: 30-10-19 19:09
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  • pressure of gases
    • colliding gas particles create pressure
      • in a gas, particles move around in random directions
        • as they move about, they randomly bang into each other and on the walls of the container
          • when they collide with something they exert a force on it
            • all these collisions cause a net force on the inside surface of the container
              • the more particles there are in a given volume the more often they'll collide and the higher the pressure
    • changing temperature changes pressure
      • the pressure a gas exerts on a container depends on how fast the particles are moving and how often they hit walls
        • if u heat the gas in a concealed container, energy is transferred to the KE store, the faster the particles move the more collisions and the higher the pressure
        • if the particles are being cooled, particles have less energy and move slower which means less collisions and low pressure
    • at constant temperature "pV=constant"
      • if volume is decreased n its the same amount of gas pressure would increase
      • if volume increased, collisions would be fewer and pressure would be lower
      • for a fixed amount of gas at a constant temp,, leads to this equation
        • pressure*volume=constant


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