Pre-historic medicine

  • Created by: lucyaa
  • Created on: 03-12-16 09:32
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  • Pre-historic medicine
    • how do we know about this?
      • There are no written records.
        • There are some of people who visited Britain.
      • Looking at Aborigines lives now- Australian, PI.
      • Archaeologic evidence.
        • However Skeletons could have rotted, or were the enemies which were kept as trophies.
    • Natural beliefs & treatments
      • Trephening- cutting hole in skull to release evil spirits.
        • Skeletons show evidence of people surviving, and the skull recovering- actually released pressure.
        • Used for headaches.
      • They would set broken bones and use bandages.
      • Herbal treatments
        • Aborigines used herbs for cuts.
          • e.g. Chickweed leaves were used to treat ulcers.
        • Women knew about the healing power of herbs.
          • They knew which treatments worked from observation and and common sense.
    • Supernatural beliefs & treatments
      • They thought if an evil spirit entered your body when sleeping or if your spirit had been removed you became ill.
      • They wore charms to ward off evil spirits (made out of seeds+body parts).
      • They buried hair/nails/excrement to stop evil spirits from casting a spell on them.
        • Actually stopped the spread of disease.
      • Warded off spirits with rituals but involved herbs, potions. Seen as magic.
    • Medicine men
      • They visited him when they were ill.
        • He'd sing + put them in a trance so he could massage sick area and call evil spirit out.
        • He'd find the stolen spirit by hunting the pointing stick (which stole the spirit) and throw it in water to set spirit free.
    • Background
      • Lived nomadic lives.
      • They were hunter gathers- didn't grow crops.




what an amazing mind map it has really helped with my revision!!!! 

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