Racial Tension & Development in Civil Rights Campaign in 1950s & 1960s

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  • Racial Tension & Development in Civil Rights Campaign in 1950s & 1960s
    • American Civil War 1861-1865 was won by Northern states in 1965
      • led to slavery ending in southern states & black men were given right to vote
    • southern states had fought in war to keep slavery & were opposed to freedom for black people
    • southern states 'Jim Crow' laws developed= facilities for black & white people were separate, but supposedly equal
      • the reality was that facilities for black people were inferior
    • racial prejudice, discrimination & violence had been common in 1920s & 1930s, particularly in states like Alabama & Mississippi
      • many black Americans moved to northern cities during this time & found more opportunities, better paid jobs, less racism, but they still faced discrimination & lived in ghettos & were paid less than whites
    • by 1950s, many black Americans had fought in WW2 & fought to liberate Germany & Europe from Hitler's dictatorship & had found far less racism/ segregation in countries like Britain
      • this meant that many black Americans were no longer prepared to accept racism/ discrimination


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