positive factors

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  • positive factors
    • science and technology
      • new microscopes were made with powerful magnification and both koch and Pasteur needed the microscope to make their discoveries.
      • Koch used new chemicals to dye bacteria.
    • war
      • Pasteur was from France and Koch was from Germany. France had lost the war in 1871 so they were rivals
        • Koch and Pasteur used each others discoveries to then go further
      • Nightingale was sent to Crimea because the British government wanted to cut the number of dying soldiers during the Crimean War.
    • government
      • Both governments were willing to fund the scientists as they wanted the glory for their country
        • both Koch and Pasteur were given a scientific team and facilities
      • The British government gave Jenner £30,000 to open a vaccination clinic.The gov. made vaccination compulsory in 1852.
    • attitudes in society
      • people were less likely to blame disease on supernatural beliefs and on old treatments such as the four humors
        • so the public supported heir theories and the government put more money into medical research
          • also going to medical school became compulsory and many more people were choosing medicine as a career
    • chance
      • Jenner offered a dairy maid inoculation against smallpox. She told him she did not need not need it because she’d already had cowpox. This inspired him to think of vaccination.
      • Pasteur never meant to infect the chicken with the old cholera bacteria
    • communication/trade
      • British newspapers printed heroic stories about nightingales work in the Crimean war. This improved the reputation of nursing in Britain.
    • negative factors
      • attitudes in society
        • Men in the British army did not like being told what to do by a woman. Wealthy Victorian women were expected to stay in the background.
        • Nightingale’s parents tried to stop her nursing career, because nursing had such a poor reputation
        • Some people thought it was against God’s will to put an animal disease into a human body.
        • Inoculators were worried about losing their customers now that vaccination had been developed.
      • science and technology
        • Nightingale never understood what caused disease. She based her ideas about ventilation and cleanliness on the miasma theory, which was incorrect.
        • Most people in 1800 believed in the miasma theory – the idea that bad air causes disease.
        • Jenner could not explain how vaccination worked. He did not know about germs.This stopped him from discovering other vaccinations.


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