Population Explosion

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  • Population Explosion
    • Birth rate- the amount of births per 1000 people per year
    • Death rate- the number of deaths per 1000 people per year
    • Life expectancy- the average age that a person may live to
    • Natural increase= birth rate - death rate
    • Factors affecting population density
      • Height of the land can affect where people live in terms of making money through farming
      • The amount of resources can affect the amount of wealth that can be generated in a country.
      • The number of jobs in a country can entice or push people away from a country.
      • People would rather live in a democracy over a dictatorship or a politically corrupt country.
    • DTM
      • Stage 1- Birth rate is high and steady due to high infant mortality. Death rate fluctuates
      • Stage 2- Birth rate and death rate decrease due to medical advancemen-ts in hygeine
      • Stage 3- Birth rate decreases rapidly because children aren't as valuable. Death rate is steady as the main killer  are rare diseases
      • Stage 4- Birth rate fluctuates due to incentives and the death rate is steady due to old age killing the most people
    • Population pyramids
      • Wide base means high birth rate, narrow base shows low birth rate.
      • Wider peak means high death rate, narrower peak shows low death rate
      • Wide middle shows a big workforce, which helps the country become more developed


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