  • Created by: Snoo
  • Created on: 16-05-18 17:07
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  • Population
    • Population distribution -how people are spread out over a large area e.g country or county.
    • Migration
      • Migrants come for many reasons. Economic migrants come for a better quality of life. Seasonal migrants to do jobs only required at a certain time.
      • Push factors such as war, famine, natural disasters and persecution may cause someone to migrate.
      • Pull factors such as welfare state higher wages and better quality of life may cause people to migrate to a specific place.
    • Population Pyramids can be used to show the spread of population across age and gender. Different shaped pyramids are typical of different DTM stages
    • DTM
      • DTM shows the state of development in which a country is in.
        • DTM stage 1 - The birth rate and death rate are high - populations stable. Population  is agriculturally based.
        • DTM stage 2 - The birth rate is still high due to tradition but improvements  in healthcare mean that death rate has lowered. Rapid population growth. Some people are starting to move to cities for work.
        • DTM stage 3 - The birth rate has lowered and the population is slowly growing. Most people are now living in cities.
        • DTM stage 4 -  The birth and death rate are equal so the population is stable.
        • DTM stage 5 smaller families mean that the death rate is outweighing the birth rate. Population is slowly increasing.


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