Political development 1929-39

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  • Political developments 1929-139
    • 1929 Labour party
      • 2nd labour party started out on high hopes, clearly a major player in Britians two-party system. Ramsey Macdonald believed he now had change to remove any doubts in the minds of the votes help to gain majority.
      • boosted by dip in unemployment
      • Domestic Policies
        • Housing act- new slum clearance scheme
        • Coal mine Act, reduce bitterness caused by general strike, reduced hours
        • Unemployment benefits were also increased
        • Policies were soon put aside due to the wall street crash in USAs stock markets
    • Response to economic crisis
      • the escalating unemployment figures put the new party in a hyde dilemma as Mcdonald had no idea on how to tackle unemployment
        • Mcdonald needed to balance the budget but also labours needs were in the needs of the people and lose of money was going through unenloyment benefits
      • Labour were divided with how to deal with the economic crisis as
        • snowdon accepted the balance of the budgets and maintaining the gold standard
        • Mosley on the other hand called for an expansionary government (policies through government loans)- putting working mens needs first.
          • Mcdonald not convinced this idea wouldn't work and such radical measures may put doubt on British economy and create even more unemployment
      • May committees report- predicted a massive budget deficit if government cuts weren't made, deepened the finial crisis drawing further attention to British problems
        • Caused cabinet to be bitterly divided putting more pressure eon the Labour cabinet and when vote was approved the split became so big that Macdonald resigned


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