Poem-War photographer

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  • Poems-War Photographer
    • Structure
      • The poem follows the actions and thoughts of the photographer in his darkroom. There's a distinct change at the start of the third stanza, when the photographer remembers a specific death- "something is happening".
        • In the final stanza, the focus shifts to the way the photographer work is received-"A hundred agonies in black and white".
    • Religious imagery- "as though this were a church and he a priest preparing to intone a mass". These references to religion make it sound almost as if the photographer is a "priest" conducting a funeral when he's developing the photos-there's a sense of ceremony to his actions.
    • Emotive language- The poem is full of powerful, emotive imagery which reflects the horrors for war seen by the photographer and captured in his photos. Duffy tries to represent the true horror of conflict in her work in order to make the reader think about the subject.-" A strangers features/faintly start to twist before his eyes"


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