Plasticity and functional recovery of the brain after trauma

  • Created by: Besme
  • Created on: 07-06-18 18:08
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  • Plasticity and functional recovery o the brain after trauma
    • Brain plasicity
      • During infancy the brain experiences rapid growth in synaptic connections pecking at 15,000 at 2-3. As we age the number of reduce as the connection we dont use are removed and those frequently used are strengthen. This is called synaptic pruning
    • Research into plascity
      • Researcher used taxi divers who had significnt more gray matter in posterior hippocampus than controlled group.
      • Brain had strong development in spatial and navigational skills
      • Another research used medical students 3 months after their exam and found that learner-induced changes in the posterior hippo campus.
      • A third research found that larger parietal cortex in brains of people who are bilingual compared to monolingual
    • Functional recovery of the brain after trauma
      • Trauma such as stroke cause unaffected area of the brain to adapt and compensate for the damaged area.
      • Functional recovery - occurs in the brain and healthy brain areas may take over functions of the damage areas
      • Neuroscience believe this happens quickly after trauma and slows down after weeks or months
    • What happens to the brain during recovery
      • The brain reorganize itself and neural connections near the damaged area caryy out thier functions e.g Axonal sprouting and reoformation of blood vessels


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