Child Development - Planning a family

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  • Planning a Child
    • Deciding when...
      • Resonsibilities
        • Need to be able to meet ALL the child's needs - food, shelter, love and security.
        • Being a parent involves lots of sleepless nights - can you cope with it?
        • Being a parent is a full time job - No days off! You've got to be mature enough to handle it
      • Lifestyle
        • Money is a huge factor - Kids costs lots of money!
        • You've got to choose whether you want to stay at home of go back to work.
        • Taking a break to look after your child may mean it's hard to get a job when you want to get  back into work again.
        • You may have to give up some of your social life and hobbies if you have a child.
        • Your house or flat may be too small  for an extra person - may need to move.
      • Family & how a baby will fit in
        • A stable relationship between the parents is needed - the baby needs stability and love.
        • If there are already children you have to think about how they will deal with a new baby.
        • Think about the support from your family - Relatives may or may not babysit.
      • Bad reasons to have a child.
        • Having a baby to have someone to love or have to love you is silly. Babies are very demanding! Your needs for love is insignificant to a child's needs.
        • Some may feel pressure for having a baby from their families.  It's not their decision its yours!
        • Having a child for extra benefits is a bad idea! Bringing up a baby on benefits is extremely hard to do.
        • Having a baby to bring a couple together could end up in tearing them apart. It it's under stress then it will fall to pieces under the stress of a child.
        • Women may feel like their biological clock is ticking in their thirties and if they don't have a child now it may bee too late.


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