Medium Answers

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  • Planing Mid Length Response Questions
    • Distinguish between Majoritarian and Proportional electoral systems.
      • Majoritarian- System which doesn't attempt to make national vote share match seats. Can give highly disproportional results. FPTP
      • Proportional- More representative as seats are distributed according to vote share.
    • Explain the ways that elections promote democracy.
      • Allow ordinary Citizens to be involved in politics.
      • This involvement creates choice in who is to hold office.
      • This furthers democracy a those in power are given democratic legitimacy and authority.
      • Allow parties to secure a mandate.
      • Provide representation through MP's.
  • Outline and Explain 3 advantages of the FPTP electoral system.
    • Outline and explain the role played by the media in influencing elections in the UK.
      • People are influenced by the editorial stance of a newspaper they read.
      • Daily record favours the labour party, Daily Mail favours the conservatives.
      • Politicians or political parties are keen to use websites, blogs, wikis or podcasts, have listings on social networks and using these sites as a way of reaching voters.
    • There is very little chance of extremist parties being elected under FPTP because they are unlikely to gain enough votes in one constituency.
    • Generally the results of FPTP elections can be calculated quickly because it is so simple and easy. This makes the transfer of power much easier.
    • Usually produces a strong, single party government. This means that they don't have to rely on support from other parties to pass legislation because they have a majority..


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