Rp- Religion and Planet Earth

  • Created by: meganrs
  • Created on: 28-03-16 13:06
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  • Planet Earth
    • Quotes
      • "The earth is the lord's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it..." Psalm Ch24 Vs1
      • "The earth and all life in it is a gift from God given to us to share and develop, not to dominate and exploit" Roman catholic church.
      • "We cannot afford more f the same timid politics when the future of our planet is at stake" Barack Obama
      • "There is enough in the world to meet everyone's need but not everyone's greed" Gandhi
      • "The life of man is nasty, brutish and short" Thomas Hobbs
      • "Then God put man in the Garden of Eden to work and take care of it" Genesis
    • Climate change and geography matters
      • The amount of co2 in the air has increased by 33% since the industrial revolution- causes global warming
    • Examples
      • Oil spills
        • Exxon Valdez in Alaska- oil tanker sank in Alaska, crude oil spread over nearly 10,000 square miles of water and polluted 700 miles of coastline, devastation local wildlife and environment
          • Effects- sea otters dies, bald eagles and seals dies, total devastation of beaches, harmed the fishing indutry
      • Modern lifestyles harm the planet- Hairspray0 destroys the ozone layer, oil spills- kill wildlife, population-waste, factories cause global warming
  • Religious Teachings
    • Transgenerati-onal approach, Preserving the environment for future generations.
    • Stewardship
    • Agapeistic lif- sacrifice, treating others how you want to be treated.
    • Planet Earth
      • Quotes
        • "The earth is the lord's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it..." Psalm Ch24 Vs1
        • "The earth and all life in it is a gift from God given to us to share and develop, not to dominate and exploit" Roman catholic church.
        • "We cannot afford more f the same timid politics when the future of our planet is at stake" Barack Obama
        • "There is enough in the world to meet everyone's need but not everyone's greed" Gandhi
        • "The life of man is nasty, brutish and short" Thomas Hobbs
        • "Then God put man in the Garden of Eden to work and take care of it" Genesis
      • Climate change and geography matters
        • The amount of co2 in the air has increased by 33% since the industrial revolution- causes global warming
      • Examples
        • Oil spills
          • Exxon Valdez in Alaska- oil tanker sank in Alaska, crude oil spread over nearly 10,000 square miles of water and polluted 700 miles of coastline, devastation local wildlife and environment
            • Effects- sea otters dies, bald eagles and seals dies, total devastation of beaches, harmed the fishing indutry
        • Modern lifestyles harm the planet- Hairspray0 destroys the ozone layer, oil spills- kill wildlife, population-waste, factories cause global warming


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