Plains Indians

  • Created by: D4nny177
  • Created on: 22-02-17 21:34
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  • plains indians
    • who were the Plains Indians?
      • the plains Indians were the native people of America
      • they were nomadic and followed and hunted buffalo to stay alive
      • the Indians relied on horses to measure power and to hunt buffalo
    • family life
      • marriage
        • the native Americans would spend most of the year travelling in bands. these would be made up of 10-50 families
        • men were responsible for hunting, looking after the horses and protecting the band
        • women were responsible for looking after the tipi, preparing food, fetching water and making clothes
        • arranged marriages took place in some nations but in most cases the marriage was to do with love. the man would usually try to impress the women with a gift of a horse or buffalo to show he could look after her to her parents
        • men would live with the wives family. and they traced their descent through the mother not the father.
        • most men would have multiple wives as the bands didn't want a women to not be looked after and so if their husband died in battle they had another husband
      • children
        • children were respected as they were the future of the bands
        • boys learnt how to hunt and girls learnt how to maintain a home
        • children weren't punished unless they did something very bad. in which case they threw a bowl of water over their head
      • elderly
        • the elderly were  respected for their wisdom and experiance
        • if the elderly slowed down the tribe, they requested to be left behind and were left to die, this was called exposure
    • society
      • customs and traditions
        • in order to survive they worked very close together and were very organised, this was as they had to be quick to keep up with the buffalo
        • if they broke the rules they would be humiliated. this was as they all worked closely together and so being humiliated was a bad thing
      • chiefs
        • chiefs were the leaders of the bands and led by example not orders
        • they were not elected or inherit power
      • councils
        • they were groups of wise men from the band and discussed important descisions
        • sometimes an entire nation met and they would discuss whether to go to war. not all of the bands had to go with this desicion
    • war
      • reasons for war
        • horses
        • war was not a long campaign but just a series of raids against enemy nations
        • revenge
        • to destroy their enemies
        • reasons for individuals
          • being a martyr was not a reason to go to war
          • glory and personal gain
          • to enter a warrior society
          • to get a wife
      • traditions
        • counting coup
          • this was where the Native Americans touched the enemies with a stick to hold them as a hostage instead of killing them
          • they thought counting coup was braver than using a gun and so they did that more
        • scalping
          • they scalped their victims and decorated their war gear and tipis with their dried out scalps.
          • this stopped the enemy getting to the afterlife and attacking them there
    • religion
      • they believed that all things had a spirit and were all connected in the spirit world
      • they would have visions to have their names chosen
      • medicine men interpreted the visions and helped to cure illnesses
      • they believed they were part of the land and so no body could own land as they are a part of it, they also believed that nobody could farm as it is as if you were scratching your own mothers breast
  • manifest destiny was the god given right to the white Americans to take over all of America. this was what they used to justify their actions


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