Piaget's Theory

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  • Piaget's Model
    • Egocentric Thinking
      • Not being able to see a situation from another person's point of view.
      • Piaget believed that children thought other thought, felt and heard the same as them.
    • Cognitive Development
      • Piaget  outlined four stages of cognitive development, and gave approximate ages at which children reached those stages.
        • Each stage is marked in shifts in how a child understands the world.
        • Piaget believed that children are like "little scientists" and that they actively try to explore and make sense of the world around them.
      • Four Stages of Cognitive Development
        • Piaget explained cognitive development up to Adolescence
        • 1. Sensorimotor Birth - 2yrs
        • 2. Preoperational - 2-7yrs
        • 3. Concrete Operational 7-11yrs
          • 4. Formal Operational 11-18yrs
      • An important aspect of Piaget's Cognitive development was the notation that children go through a series of intellectual development, known as schemas
    • Lack of Conservation and Conservation
      • The inability to realise that some  things remain constant or unchanged  despite changes in visible appearance
      • The idea that somethings appearance may change, but that it's quantity will stay the same.
      • By seven children are able to recognise volume in liquids when transferring from one container to another. Younger children do not understand this concept of the liquid changing to the shape/size of the container. 
    • Schemas
      • Schemas are the starting point for children's learning and are usually described as generalised patterns of behaviour, the repeated behaviours we observe as we watch children play and investigate their surroundings and the world around them
      • Research suggests that these actions are pieces of a jigsaw which children are building up in their brain
      • Trajectory, Containment, Circular and Rotation, Transporting, Connection, Transforming, Scattering, Enveloping and Enclosure, Going through
      • A schema is a category of knowledge as well as a process of acquiring new skills
      • Piaget's Schemas Assimilation - Equilibration - Disequilibrium - Accommodation.


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