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  • Photosynthesis
    • Both plants and algae carry out photosynthesis
      • It takes part in the chloroplasts, especially in the leaves
        • During photosynthesis light energy is absorbed by the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts
          • This energy is used to CO2 and H20 to glucose
    • Some of the glucose is used immediately for respiration but a lot of the glucose is converted into an insoluble starch and stored
    • Test for starch using iodine
      • Iodine solution is yellow-brown and turns blue-black in the presence of starch
        • It will go blue-black if photosynthesis has occured
    • You must treat the leaves by boiling them in ethanol  rinsing them to break down the waxy cuticle and remove the green chlorophyll colour
    • Leaf adaptions
      • Leaves are mostly broad which gives them a big surface area to absorb light
      • They have air spaces to allow carbon dioxide to get into the cells, and oxygen to leave by diffusion
        • Algae are aquatic so they are adapted to photosynthesise in water. They have a large SA to dissolve carbon dioxide in the water around them
      • They have veins which bring water in the xylem and remove water products of photosynthesis through the phloegm
    • 6CO2 + 6H2O (+light energy) --->  C6H12O6 + 6O2
  • Limiting Factors
    • Light
      • A greater light intensity allows more photosynthesis to occur and for most plants, more light increases the rate
    • Temperature
      • As temperature rises, so does the rate of photosynthesis. However, photosynthesis is enzyme controlled and when temperaturesexceed 40-50°C, enzymes become denatured
      • Carbon dioxide levels are increased at night because the plant respires but does not photosynthesis
        • As light and temperature levels increase in the morning, carbon dioxide is used up
    • C02 Levels
      • On a sunny day, carbon dioxide levels are the most common limiting factor on a sunny day
      • The atmosphere is about 0.04% CO2 and this is limiting
  • The more a plant photosynthesises, the more biomass it makes and the faster it grows
    • Farmers want their plants to grow as fast as possible
      • It is almost impossible to control these factors out in the fields
        • The environment can be artificially controlled using greenhouses or polytunnels (large greenhouse made of plastic
          • These environmentsare much warmer, which means exotic fruits can be sold in the UK
            • Large companies use big greenhouses to get the fastest rates
              • Carbon dioxide levels will be increased during the day so it is not limiting
              • Optimum temperature for enzyme action is maintained all the time
              • Artificial lighting is used to prolong the hours of photosynthesis and increase light intensity
              • Plants can be grown out of season and out of their normal habitat
  • However, the greenhouses have lots of software and cost a lot of money and use a lot of energy. However, turnover is faster so there are higher profits; crops are clean and unspoilt; there is no ploughing and crops can be grown in poor land; fewer staff are required
    • Limiting factors are removed


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