infant studies

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  • perceptual development: infant studies
    • depth perception: monocular cues: Gibson and walk (visual cliff)
      • binocular cues: Bower tested retinal disparity by showing different info to each eye so a 3d image appeared.
      • Bower (1966) used an operant conditioning technique, where infants were rewarded when they viewed one object, so they should prefer it in the future.
      • size constancy- Slater used the habituation method showing infants different sized cubes.
    • criticisms of visual cliff study-- 6 month old infants had plenty of experience. animal support, chicks and goats avoided the deep side suggesting depth perception is innate.
      • research suggests many aspects of perception are innate.
      • IDA- nature nurture debate- blakemoore and cooper- kittens . problems with studying  NN in infants- they have experiences in the womb, some innate abilities don't appear until fully matured.
        • methodological problems- techniques rely on assumptions. investigator bias. poor visual acuity.
          • IDA- real world application- visual deprivation can result in permanent damage unless corrected early enough.


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