Partial Correlation

  • Created by: Chloe
  • Created on: 30-04-15 14:01
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  • Partial Correlation
    • Interpreting a correlation between two variables (X&Y) can be made difficult if both are correlated with a third variable (Y)
      • This may give rise to a 'spurious' relationship between X&Y acting as a 'common cause' of changes in both
    • A partial correkation procedure can remove (partial out) the effect of the third variable from the correlation between the two variables of interest
    • Venn Diagrams: used to express relationships between sets - they represent variance as overlapping areas associated with two or more sources
      • - Coeffiicient of determination = R^2 - Correlation coefficient equals the square root of the coefficient of determination
      • Example: (a) shows that X account for 49% of the varience in Y (rxy =.7) (b) shows that Z accounts for 36% of the varience in Y (rzy = .6) (c) shows that 33% of the varience in Y is shared by X and Z (rxz = ?.33 = .57) leaving only 16% of the varuence uniquels attribituable to X (d) also indicated that only 3% of the variance in Y is uniquels attributable to Z. Almost all of it is due to its association with X


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