Part b: whether Irenaean type theodicies are credible in the 21st century

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  • Part b: whether Irenaean type theodicies are credible in the 21st century
    • Irenaean type theodicies are credible in the 21st Century
      • Because of the place that humans have in the created order, they are unique. Humans are the only created being that has been made in the image of God.
      • Humans are the only ones who have the potential to develop the characteristics of God himself
        • In the 21st century, this view fits with scientific beliefs that life on earth develops qualities that help it survive in the natural environment.
      • They also have credibility with the promise  of hope given to all. The suggestion that the process of developing from image to likeness will eventually be realised by all humans and gives everyone something to aspire to.
    • Irenaean type theodicies are not credible in the 21st century
      • Some state that basing a theodicy on a document that is nearly 3000 years old makes any claim for it being credible wrong.
      • It doesn't sound believable that the existence of evil and suffering can be explained as a kind of 'spiritual workout'
      • The immense amount of suffering that has occured throughout human history undermines the idea that suffering is there to help people become spiritually mature.
      • Many critics claim that the idea of universal salvation is wrong. Are some of the most wicked people on the planet going to receive the same eventual reward as those who have dedicated their lives to good works.


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