Parasitism and Mutualism

  • Created by: alexda
  • Created on: 05-05-14 17:45
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  • Parasitism and Mutualism
    • Parasitism is a relationship where only one organism benefits whilst the other one often suffers.
      • Parasites live in or on a host. They take what they need to survive without giving anything in return.This often harms the host.
        • e.g. Fleas feed on other animals by sucking the blood of their hosts.
        • e.g. Head lice live on human scalps sucking blood for food and making the person itch.
      • e.g. Tapeworm attach to the intestinal wall of their hosts and absorb nutrients from the host causing them to suffer malnutrition.
      • e.g. Mistletoe is a parasitic plants that grows on tress and shrubs. It absorbs water and nutrients from its host which can reduce the host's growth.
    • Whereas in a mutualistic relationship both species benefit from each other.
      • e.g. Cleaner fish eat dead skin and parasites off large fish and in return they get a source of food and avoid being eaten by larger fish.
      • e.g. Oxpeckerers are bird that live on the backs of buffalo. They eat pests on the buffalo which provides them with food but they also alert the animal to any predators by hissing.
      • e.g. Tube worms supply the chemosyntehic bacteria with chemicals from the seawater which the bacteria turn into food for themselves and the host worms. The bacteria  also benefits because it is protected from the harsh environment around the vent.
      • e.g. The nitrogen fixing bacteria get food from the plants. Whilst the legume plants gets nitrogen compounds from healthy growth from the bacteria.
  • e.g. Tapeworm attach to the intestinal wall of their hosts and absorb nutrients from the host causing them to suffer malnutrition.


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