P5 Electric circuits

  • Created by: fantasy
  • Created on: 25-01-13 09:15
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  • P5 Electric circuits
    • Motors
      • Electric motors transfer electrical energy to kinetic energy using magnets and a coil of wire.
        • e.g. DVD player turns the disk using a motor.
        • You can use Fleming's left hand rule to find the direction of the current, direction of the force and the magnetic field.
          • Motors
            • Electric motors transfer electrical energy to kinetic energy using magnets and a coil of wire.
              • e.g. DVD player turns the disk using a motor.
              • You can use Fleming's left hand rule to find the direction of the current, direction of the force and the magnetic field.
              • If the wire carrying the current is perpendicular to the magnetic field, then it will experience a force.
                • The direction of the current can be reversed using a commutator. The speed can be increased by increasing the strength of the magnetic field.
        • If the wire carrying the current is perpendicular to the magnetic field, then it will experience a force.
          • The direction of the current can be reversed using a commutator. The speed can be increased by increasing the strength of the magnetic field.
      • An electric current (measured in Amps, A) is a flow of charge around a circuit.
        • The size of a current depends on the voltage (the push) and the resistance. Voltage is measured in Volts, V.
          • Resistance in a circuit reduces the amount of current passing through because there are more obstacles to stop the electrons passing through freely.
            • If the resistance is higher, the current is smaller but the voltage is bigger. This is due to a bigger push needed for the voltage and less electrons being able to pass through easily.
              • An electric current (measured in Amps, A) is a flow of charge around a circuit.
                • The size of a current depends on the voltage (the push) and the resistance. Voltage is measured in Volts, V.
                  • Resistance in a circuit reduces the amount of current passing through because there are more obstacles to stop the electrons passing through freely.
                    • If the resistance is higher, the current is smaller but the voltage is bigger. This is due to a bigger push needed for the voltage and less electrons being able to pass through easily.
                      • Resistance is measured in Ohms, ?
                      • Resistance = voltage/curent
              • Resistance is measured in Ohms, ?
              • Resistance = voltage/curent
        • Static electricity
          • Some insulating materials can become electrically charged. When they are rubbed together, one of them loses electrons so becomes positively charged and the other gains electrons to become negatively charged.
            • Static electricity only happens when the two charges are different so will attract each other. if they are the same they will repel each other.
          • Static electricity allows things to stick to others if they have opposite charges.
          • Static electricity only allows insulators to work but not conductors. This is because the electrons in metals are free to move.




      The layout for this is quite hard to read but the text is good

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