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  • P3- Sustainable Energy
    • Saving Energy
      • The fossil fuels we rely on for most of our energy are bad for the environment and we will eventually run out. We can stop this by reducing the amount of energy we use each day
      • Installing cavity walls, loft insulation, double glazing and draft proofing reduces the heat lost through gaps in walls, ceilings, windows and around doors.
      • Methods that save the most money each year are deemed to be the most effective but cost effectiveness depends on timescale. E.G. energy saving light bulbs are more cost-effective than double glazing.
        • Businesses generate lots of paperwork they can save energy by not printing and photocopying things unnecessarily.
        • Government can help people save energy by offering grants for better insulation.
    • Electrical Energy
      • Anything that is supplying electricity also is supplying energy. Batteries and generators all transfer energy to a wire which then transfers it to the components or devices in the circuit.
      • The power of an appliance tells you how fast it is transferring energy from the charge passing through it. Power is measured in watts or kilowatts (1kw = 1000w)
        • Appliances convert electrical energy taken from the charge passing through them to other forms. Some will be useful, some are wasted as heat or sound.
          • The efficiency of a machine is defined as: energy USEFULLY transferred divided by total energy supplied x 100%
      • Total energy transferred by an appliance depends on how long the appliance is on and it's power rating.
        • Formula is: Energy Transferred (joules) = power (watts) x time (secs)


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