P3.5 - Big Energy Issues

  • Created by: E.Grace
  • Created on: 24-04-20 07:43
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  • P3.5 - Big Energy Issues
    • Supply and Demand
      • electricity demand varies each day
        • higher in winter than summer
        • power stations can't start up instantly - start-up time depends on type of power station
      • the variable demand is electricity is met by:
        • using nuclear and coal-fired power stations to provide a constant amount of electricity (the base load demand)
        • using gas-fired power stations and pumped-storage schemes to meet daily variations in demand and extra demand in winter
        • using renewable resources when demand is high and when the conditions for renewable energy generation are suitable (e.g. use of wind turbines in winter and when wind speeds are high enough)
        • using renewable energy resources when demand is low to store energy in pumped storage schemes
    • Cost Comparisons
      • overall cost of a new energy facility involves capital costs to build it, running costs for fuel and maintenance and more capital costs to take it out of use at the end of its working lifetime
      • Untitled
      • Key Points from Table 2
        • capital costs are lowest for gas-fired power stations and greatest fro wind and nuclear power, including decommissioning costs (e.g. taking stations out of use)
        • overall costs including fuel costs are the lowest for hydroelectricity, and greatest for offshore wind=d farms
    • gas-fired power stations and pumped-storage stations can meet variations in demand
    • nuclear power stations are expensive to build, run and decommission. Carbon capture of fossil fuel emission is likely to be very expensive
    • renewable resources are cheap to run but expensive to install
    • nuclear power stations, fossil-fuel power stations that use carbon capture technology
    • renewable energy resources are all likely to be needed for future energy supplies


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