Discuss the Psychodynamic approach

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  • Discuss the Psychodynamic approach
    • Behaviour is largely caused by the unconscious (largest part of the mind) - repressed desires and unpleasant thoughts
      • Limitation - unfalsifiable - cannot measure it in an empirical way. Difficult to establish that our behaviour (effect) is caused by the unconscious
      • Support - positive application - therapy to uncover repressed thoughts (dream analysis / inkblots) which can then be dealt with to improve behaviour
    • Caused by childhood experiences
      • Limitation - ignores current experiences (eg if you lose your job, you might be depressed because of that, not your childhood) - too simplistic as an explanation
    • Defence mechanisms (repression, displacement, denial) to deal with childhood issues
      • Psychosexual stages - oral, anal, phallic, latancy, genital - issues in the stages may cause (abnormal) behaviour eg anally retentive (uptight)
    • Psychosexual stages - oral, anal, phallic, latancy, genital - issues in the stages may cause (abnormal) behaviour eg anally retentive (uptight)
    • Structure of personality - id (pleasure principle), ego (manager), superego (morality) - if the ego is weak or others are too strong then behavioural issues occur
      • Limitation - Deterministic - psychic determinism (behaviour caused by these structures 'not working properly') - ignores free will


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