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  • Ozymandias
    • Form and metre
      • written in a sonnet form, however shelley uses an irregular rhyme scheme, breaking classic sonnet styles
        • this is an ovbious trangsgression against tradition and those who enforce it, like perhaps the powers in england. belittles ozymandias' power too as it shows that this "love letter to him" is imperfect
        • sonnets are typically love poems, perhaps emphaisising ozymandias' arroagance and narcissim. however shelley highlights the imperfectness by not using typical sonnet meter and belittling his power. does the irregularity suggest that human power cannot control everything again showing Ozymandias to be powerless against nature and the poem itself.
        • His "Great power and legacy" is belittled further by the sonnet form as its short 14line poem, not an epic or dramtic monolouge as someone so powerful would want.
    • Context
      • Percy Shelley was a radical, atheist, vegetarian, and pacifist who was kicked out of Eton for spreading atheist leaflets
      • Lived during the french revolution and rise of napoleon throughout Europe
      • he perhaps sends a message to institutions like the monarchy and government as well as leaders like napoleon. in this poem he perhaps is saying that art, like poetry, lasts longer than institutions
    • Structure
      • use of caesura- especially towards the end
        • isolates Ozymandias to the desert but perhaps the wrong side of history as well. threat to leaders, this is what will happen. creates a scale to human existence makes us seem smaller and not in control.
      • use of volta, octave and sestet
        • shows the power of art, in the opening octave we only read imagery of Ozymandias however in within the volta we see that is the figure of Ozymandias that has kept him alive not his power or influence. the sestet belittling the previous octave and leaving an image of isolation.
      • use of sibilance
        • Untitled
    • Language
      • the name "Ozymandias"comes from the greek words, "to breathe and to rule" is there a link between humanities need to survive and dominate?
      • "Half sunk, a shattered visage lies
        • allusion to french revolution and reminder to modern leaders.
        • his face his shattered, symbolically, the famous face is broken and the empire which stood behind it.
        • image of extreme vulnerability and the power of nature, the idea of Ozymandias only being half sunk perhaps furthers the idea that his behaviour lives on in leaders today.
      • "which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things
        • "which yet survive," caesura distances this comment and perhaps suggest that Shelley is not only suggest Ozymandias' statue lives on but his traits in tyranny across the world.
        • "survive" "stamped" personification of the statue due to the sculptors work highlights the immortality of art and its power// the verb survive perhaps highlights his animalistic nature and the to rule and breath complex of power.
        • stamped- violence and reclaiming  ,lifeless- contrasting with survive, shows arts and natures power.
      • "King of kings"
        • irony- hes king of nothing.    biblical allusion- jesus was called the kings of kings ( is this a threat at the fake power of religion, does Shelley believe they old no real power)
        • in the bible this qoute suggests jesus will be king of heaven when all other kings are dead and judged. is shelley suggesting that it is not ozymandias but his terrbible legacy and ironic statue that now live on,
      • the lone and level sands stretch far away
        • scale to human existence and power because of nature. isolated image and perhaps the humble power of nature as it leaves Ozymandias and stretches away. this poem is perhaps an ode to nature its magnificence contrasting it with the arrogant Ozymandias as it seems to punish him.
  • written in a sonnet form, however shelley uses an irregular rhyme scheme, breaking classic sonnet styles
    • this is an ovbious trangsgression against tradition and those who enforce it, like perhaps the powers in england. belittles ozymandias' power too as it shows that this "love letter to him" is imperfect
    • sonnets are typically love poems, perhaps emphaisising ozymandias' arroagance and narcissim. however shelley highlights the imperfectness by not using typical sonnet meter and belittling his power. does the irregularity suggest that human power cannot control everything again showing Ozymandias to be powerless against nature and the poem itself.
    • His "Great power and legacy" is belittled further by the sonnet form as its short 14line poem, not an epic or dramtic monolouge as someone so powerful would want.




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