Theories of education

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  • Other theories of Education
    • New right
      • The NEW RIGHT have similar views to education as the functionalists. However they believe the education system has failed due to too much state control.
        • The NEW RIGHT believe in VOCATIONALISM in order to support the industry. They also believe in MARKETISATION.
          • CHUBB & MOE : Education has failed to create equal opportunity as it does not have to respond to students needs. Parents cant do anything about their children failing. Private schools provide a higher quality of education as they are "paying customers"
            • EVALUATION: New right point to exams as a sign of success.
              • BALL ET AL claim that middle class have more cultural capital.
              • GERTWITZ claims that marketisation benefits the middle class who are more likely  get their children into better performing schools as they can afford to move into the catchment area.
              • Marketisation produces greater inquality as better preforming schools attract more funding and pupils.
    • Feminists
      • Education has maintained gender inequality in schools  as schools are PATRIARCHAL INSTITUTES.
        • EXAMPLES; Textbooks used gendered langauge and present women in traditional roles. Women have been excluded from the curriculum. Subjects have been divided into boys and girls E.g Boys - science. Girls - Health & beauty.
          • EVALUATION: Feminists may have a point looking back over history but girls are no outpreforming boys in education.
    • Neo-Marxism
      • WILLIS accepts the Marxist view that education is closely linked to the needs of capitalism but he does not believe that there is a direct link between education and the economy
        • WILLIS: studied a group of 12 working class boys during their last year at school and first 2 weeks at work. the "lads" rejected school and formed a counter school subculture. The "lads" had seen through the ruling class ideology.
          • The "lads" believed that school was good for a laugh. They were destined for loew-skilled jobs. Willis found that this culutre continured after leaving school and helped the lads cope with the boredom of work.
            • Accounts for the rejection of the hidden curriculum and ruling class ideology
            • Unable to generalise from a small sample
            • Not representitve for other classes and ethnicities
    • Social democratic
      • Believed that everyone should have an equal chance. This leads to an educated workforce and economic growth.
        • HALSEY ET AL: critised functionalists for claiming that the education system provided equality of opportunity. The higher the social class, the more likely to achieve; This wastes talent as not everyone gets an equal chance.
          • A social democratic policy introduced in the 60s was COMPENSATORY EDUCATION which was designed to compensate the working class children due to their disadvantages.
            • EVALUATION: marxists argue that schools cannot provide equality of opportunity within a capitalist based society.


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