Orphan studies - effects of institutionalisation

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  • Orphan studies and institutionalistion
    • the effects of institutionalisation
      • Disinhibited attachment
        • Act indiscriminately towards all - stranger or familiar. Rutter suggested that a disinhibited attachment is a result of multiple caregivers, none of whom are seen enough to create a secure attachment.
      • Mental retardation
        • Poor intellectual achievement. Mental retardation can be stopped if a child is adopted before the age of six months. After this, intellectual damage is too great.
    • Zeanah - Bucharest Early Intervention
      • Procedure: assessed attachment style in 95 children aged 12-31 months who had spent roughly 90% of their lives in institutional care. They were compared to 50 children who had never been institutionalised. They were studied using the strange situation
      • Findings: 74% of control group were type B attached (roughly same as population). 19% of institutionalised group were secure, 65% were classified as :”disorganised”(mixture of avoidant and resistant). 44% were also displaying disinhibited attached compared to 20% of the control children.
    • Rutter’s English and Romanian Adoptees
      • Procedure: longitudinal study of 165 Romanian orphans who were adopted by British people. They assessed physical, cognitive and emotional development at ages 4, 6, 11 and 15.  A control group of 52 British adoptee children were also used.
      • Findings: Found that half of the Romanian adoptees showed intellectual underdevelopment and malnourishment. IQ was tested at age 11 and found:
        • Mean IQ of 102 was found for children adopted before the age of 6 months
        • Mean IQ of 86 for children adopted after 6 months but before 2 years of age
        • Mean IQ of 77 for children adopted after the age of 2.
      • Children  adopted after the age of 6 months also showed disinhibited attachment which had tendencies such as clinginess, attention-seeking and indiscriminatesocial behaviours
  • Rutter’s English and Romanian Adoptees
    • Procedure: longitudinal study of 165 Romanian orphans who were adopted by British people. They assessed physical, cognitive and emotional development at ages 4, 6, 11 and 15.  A control group of 52 British adoptee children were also used.
    • Findings: Found that half of the Romanian adoptees showed intellectual underdevelopment and malnourishment. IQ was tested at age 11 and found:
      • Mean IQ of 102 was found for children adopted before the age of 6 months
      • Mean IQ of 86 for children adopted after 6 months but before 2 years of age
      • Mean IQ of 77 for children adopted after the age of 2.
    • Children  adopted after the age of 6 months also showed disinhibited attachment which had tendencies such as clinginess, attention-seeking and indiscriminatesocial behaviours


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