double and single circulation

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  • Open and Closed Circulation
    • Open Circulation
    • Closed Circulation
      • this is for bigger organisms. blood is transported in closed vessels
      • single circulation:used by creatures such as fish.
        • deoxygenated blood is pumped round to the gill capillaries to be oxygenated. it then goes through the sytematic capillaries where oxygen goes to the body and the deoxygenated blood goes back to the heart.
      • Double circulation: used by creatues such as humans.
        • deoxygenated blood is pumped round to the lungs to be oxygenated. it then goes back to the heart to be pumped around the body and supply oxygen. the deoxygenated blood then goes back round to the blood
          • advantages of this: higher blood pressure leads to faster flow and therefore higher metabolic rate as reactants are delivered to cells faster


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