Ontological Argument

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  • Ontological argument
    • Anselm
      • Constructed from 'fools say in their hearts "there is not God" ' [Psalm 14:1]
      • First argument
        • God may exist in the mind alone or reality too, something existing in reality aswell is better than the mind alone.. Therefore God must exist in reality
      • Second argument
        • Something which cannot be thought not to exist is greater than something which can be thought not to exist, it is impossible to think that God cannot exist
        • Because it is impossible to think of God not existing, he must exist. Therefore EXISTENCE IS A PREDICATE OF GOD
    • Descartes
      • The existence of God cannot be doubted just as the truths of science cannot be
      • The nature of a triangle is that it has 3 sides and 3 angles which makes it IMMUTABLE [incapable of change]
        • The crucial part is that, like a triangle, God is immutable
      • God is a supremely perfect being, a property of perfection is existence, therefore God exists
      • If you take the angles away from a triangle, it is no longer one. Just as if you take existence away from God, he is no longer God
    • A priori = knowledge gained from logical reasoning
    • Kant
      • Kant argues that existence is not a 'predicate'
        • One can have the idea of a unicorn but that does not mean it exists in reality
      • Kant is saying that existence is a concept of God but that does not prove God exists, all philosophical statements for kant about existence are synthetic
      • Kant agreed with Descartes reasoning that by definition a three-sided figure is a triangle but if you don't have a triangle in the first place, it wont have 3 sides
    • Gaunilo
      • 'On behalf of the fool'
      • Perfect island = close your eyes and picture the perfect island, the island however does not exist
      • Gossip = the fool could have in his minds all sorts of things which do not exist, when someone tells you gossip doesn't mean its reliable
      • Definition = you cannot demonstrate the existence of something by just having an idea about it
      • Anselm responsed
        • Anselm
          • Constructed from 'fools say in their hearts "there is not God" ' [Psalm 14:1]
          • First argument
            • God may exist in the mind alone or reality too, something existing in reality aswell is better than the mind alone.. Therefore God must exist in reality
          • Second argument
            • Something which cannot be thought not to exist is greater than something which can be thought not to exist, it is impossible to think that God cannot exist
            • Because it is impossible to think of God not existing, he must exist. Therefore EXISTENCE IS A PREDICATE OF GOD
        • Gaunilo's argument was different, the island does not have to exist because it is contingent God is necessary
        • Also, Gaunilos argument is not a thing which which can be conceived not to exist!!


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