On monday last week

  • Created by: PKZach11
  • Created on: 06-06-22 12:00
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  • On Monday of last Week
    • The role that family plays to the protagonist
      • Kamara was wondering where Josh's mother was and started to wonder if her "husband killed her and loaded her in a truck". This singular view also demonstrates how Kamara has a husband who tells her how to act. She is submittting her needs and desires into those of her husband who is frankly controlling her, but she does not seem to understand/comprehend this yet.
      • Tobechi told Kamara that they needed to marry again in America, and she did not seem to have a problem with that, presenting that she will go anywhere as long as she is with her husband.
      • Kamara dressed to impress Tracy, and came to work with the intention of looking for fulfillment outside of her marriage.
        • Marriage became less significant to Kamara as she became more attracted to Tracey.
    • The feelings/ emotions relating to family members
      • Although whilst learning about Tobechi, Adichie presents the protagonist to be in love with her husband.
        • This emotion however faded, causing the character to begin to prioritise the bizarre affection from Tracey.
      • When Neil interviewed Kamara, he said that Josh was learning about his Jewish and his African-American heritage.
        • Neil seems to be caring more about his son, rather that the mother. Neil spends more time and possibly knows some things which the mother may not be aware of.
      • Kamara has developed a sense of affection for Neil and stopped wondering about Tracy.
        • Neil asked Kamara if she wanted to see a spectacle with him and his son, demonstrating how she is now accepted into the family.
      • As Kamara listens to Neil worry, she picks at the sticker that says "NO TO GUNS" on the phone. The sticker on the phone was what she told Tobechi about after her first day, but Tobechi only cared about the house. He said they'd live in a house like Neil's, but Kamara didn't care.
        • Kamara seems to take pleasure from little things, instead of unpragmatic thoughts that her husband wants her to imagine.
    • Difference portrayed by the bonds between parents /children, spouses and siblings
      • At the end of the story, Tracy and Neil greet as if they are not married, but siblings. This gives the impression of the lack of love.
      • Tracy seems to be very close to Josh, despite spending all of the time in the basement.
      • Tracy seems to be very affectionate and close to strangers, rather than her husband, giving the audience a weird feeling.


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