Offender Profiling

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  • Offender Profiling.
    • Is based on the idea that the characteristics of an offender can be deduced from characteristics of the offence and particulars of the crime. The main ai, is to narrow the field of enquiry and list of suspects.
    • Top -down approach.
      • Originated in the US as a result of FBI research, gathered from in depth interviews. 2 categories- Organised ( high control) and Disorganised(low control).
      • Constructing a Profile.
        • Four stages: Data Assimilation, Crime scene classification, Crime reconstructior, Profile generation.
      • Evaluation
        • Only certain crime apply- murder and ****, common offences don't lend themselves to profiling as it leaves very little about the offender. So approch is limited.
        • Too Simplistic. Having just 2 categories of criminal is very simplistic, likely that criminals don't fit neatly into either, affecting the accuracy of the profiling.
        • Original Sample was 36 sexually motivated murderers. Also subjectivity is involved. All reducing credibility.
    • Bottom-up approach.
      • Aim is to generate a picture of the offender through systematic analysis of evidence at crime scene. Created in UK and is data driven, and more grounded in psychological theory.
      • Investigative Psychology- attempts to apply sats and psych theory to analyse crime. Aim is establish patterns.
      • Key to approach is Interpersonal Coherence- way offender behaves at scene and interact with victim.
      • Significance of Place and Time.
      • Geographic Profiling. technique uses info to do with location of linked crime scenes.
        • Assumption that serial offenders will restrict their work to geographical areas. Commuter model who is likely to have travelled a distance. Marauder who operates close to home/base.
      • Evaluation.
        • Scientific basis- uses analytical stats, is more objective than other so improves the credibility.
        • Applies to more types of crime.
        • Supporting evidence: Canter& Heritage conducted content analysis of 66 sexual assault case. data was examined and several characteristics were found as common in most cases. Lead to understanding of offender. Shows usefulness.


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