Numinous Experience

  • Created by: Psycheart
  • Created on: 29-11-16 12:45
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  • Numinous Experience
    • What is numinous experience?
      • Isaiah's biblical experience: 'Woe to me, I cried. 'I am ruined' For I am a man of unclean lips, and my eyes haves seen the King, the Lord Almighty'.
      • Awe and wonder in the presence of an almighty and transcendent God.
        • Awareness of human nothingness when faced with a holy and powerful being.
          • Name comes from the Latin 'numen' 'to bow head'.
    • Otto and the Numinous Experience
      • Ideas about God developed when believers reflect on experiences but ultimately the encounter is inexpressible.
      • Experiences provide a reference point- believers experience the world through the experience and beliefs attached to it.
      • 'There is no religion in which it does not live as the innermost core and without it no religion would be worthy of the name'.
      • 'The idea Of The Holy' Rudolf Otto (1869-1937-)
        • Argued that all religious experience is numinous.
          • It is an experience of being acted upon by something outside of ourselves, 'A Wholly other'.
            • It makes us aware that we are creatures of an almighty God.This contrasts with a 'mystical experience' which tends to seek the unity of all things.
      • Described by Otto as being 'mysterium;tremendum' .
        • Mysterium because of the mystery of the experience- felt but can't be described.
        • Tremendum: because of the awe-inspiring terror, in the rpeseence of an overwhelming being.
        • Fascinans: drawn to the experience with fascination.
      • Influenced by Kant: God couldn't be known via sensory experiences or logical argument.
        • God is 'WHOLLY OTHER' can't know God without Divine Revelation.
    • Is all religious experience numinous?
      • Otto might be seen as confusing- as he says that experiences come from the' deepest cognitive apprehension'--> but he also says theological ideas come after the experience.
      • Otto seems to imply numinous experience is a'once and for all' experience.- there can be no further religious experience.
      • Too simplistic to suggest all religious experience is numinous- other types have been well documented.
    • Other understandings of religious experiences?
      • Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834)-
        • Agreed .with Otto that religious experinces are primarily emotional.
          • Emotions are deeper than reason- experiences aren't numinous, but at their core a feeling of absolute dependance upon the divine.
            • An awareness of absolute dependence upon a 'source of power that is distinct from the world' that's at the heart of religion.
              • Theology arrives after as people reflect on their experiences--> knowledge and acceptance of what's 'wholly other.'
      • Martin Buber (1878-1965)-
        • Religious experience is analogous to intimate personal relationships called I-THOU relationships.
          • Differs from I-IT relationships we have with objects or when we treat others as objects.
          • I-THOU relationship is a mutual interaction: emotional and personal - the knowledge that God is you Confidant.


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