nuclear power is it worth it?

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  • Nuclear Energy- Is It Worth The Risk?
    • YES
      • Environmental Benefits (2)
        • nuclear energy has perhaps the lowest impact on the environment especially in relation to kilowatts produced because nuclear plants do not emit harmful gases, require a relatively small area, and effectively minimize or negate other impacts
        • There are no significant adverse effects to water, land, habitat, species, and air resources.
        • Nuclear energy is an emission-free energy source because it does not burn anything to produce electricity
        • Nuclear power plants produce no gases such as nitrogen oxide or sulfur dioxide that could threaten our atmosphere by causing ground-level ozone formation, smog, and acid rain
        • Nuclear energy produce carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases suspected to cause global warming
        • provides water quality and aquatic life conservation. Water discharged from a nuclear power plant contains no harmful pollutants and meets regulatory standards for temperature designed to protect aquatic life
        • Because the areas around nuclear power plants and their cooling ponds are so clean, they are often developed as wetlands that provide nesting areas for waterfowl and other birds, new habitats for fish, and the preservation of other wildlife as well as trees, flowers, and grasses. Many energy companies have created special nature parks or wildlife sanctuaries on plant sites.
      • a clean alternative? (3)
        • More nations are looking at nuclear power to reduce the serious environmental consequences of burning fossil fuels
        • producing electricity from uranium does not release combustion gases into the atmosphere that contribute to such environmental problems as acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and urban smog.
        • Many nations deciding on how best to meet existing and future international commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are expected to give serious consideration to these environmental advantages of nuclear energy.
    • NO
      • How Clean Is It? (1)
        • “Nuclear energy is the only non-greenhouse gas-emitting power source that can effectively replace fossil fuels and satisfy global demand” – Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace
        • Nuclear power is recognized as a practical, inexpensive and clean (emission-free) source of energy. Today’s nuclear energy production saves around 2.4 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year that would otherwise be caused by coal-fired generation.
        • The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently stated that to stabilize the present levels of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere, a 50-80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is required.
      • proliferation (4)
        • the idea tat a weapon could be made from stolen nuclear materials is ingrained into public consciousness.
        • a 'dirty bomb' can be built with a relatively small amount of radio active material
        • the expansion of nuclear power means that more plants would be reprocessing
          • this would increase the amount of available plutonium
            • Terrorism would increase with out a doubt
  • (1)   (06/10/2013) © 2010 Mega Uranium Ltd    Australia ,Canada and Cameroon.
  • (2)   (06/10/2013
  • (4) (06/10/2013)  Copyright © 2013 Discovery Communications, LLC. The World’s #1 Nonfiction Media Company.
  • (3) (06/1-/2013)  Copyright 2013 © Canadian Nuclear Association


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