Wicca NRM

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  • NRMS - Wicca
    • World Affirming NRM - believes that the world is right but people can be improved through religion.
    • Estimated 3 million members worldwide. These members are often recruited online, or by friends.
      • Online courses, books, websites and social media pages readily offer information on the Wicca movement.
    • The Wicca movement has a leader known as the "High Priestess". This is someone who is in charge of a coven or ritual. The high priestess is chosen based on her skills, knowledge and personality.
      • Personality traits: self awareness, self esteem, emotional balance, respectful, generous, patient, kind, mature, charisma, intimacy with the Devine.
      • The High Priestess is the leader of a coven in British traditional Wicca, and remains the same woman for years. However, in New Wicca, the high priestess is a leader of a ritual, and can be anybody skilled enough.
    • Mainly female based and seen amongst the middle class, however, some men do become involved in Wicca.
      • This movement is popular amongst the hippie and alternative subcultures.
      • Appealing to feminists as this NRM is less patriarchal than the majority of religions.
    • Why do people join?
      • Readily available
      • Not much commitment required outside of your own lifestyle.
      • More exciting/appealing.
      • Less patriarchal than other religions.
    • Stages of Wicca
      • 1921 - 1935: Wicca was founded in England. Witches were now seen as followers of the pagan religion rather than satanists. In the 30's, some groups had established themselves around England and were practising Wicca.
      • 1936 -1959: Gerald Gardner begins to form modern Wicca. Many early Wiccans were personal acquaintances of Gardner. Many notable figures in the Wiccan movement joined during this time.
      • 1960's - Present: after Gardner's death (1964), Wicca continued to grow, despite bad press. Alexandrian Wicca began to become more popular, this was a newer version of the previous Gardnerian Wicca.
        • More emphasis placed on rituals and ceremonies.
        • Becomes popular in countries outside of the UK.
          • Regional traditions begin to influence different kinds of Wicca.
          • Books begin to emerge to allow people to become witches with their own training.
        • TV shows such as charmed introduce young people to the idea of witchcraft.
          • Followers of the old 'craft' class themselves as traditional rather than part of the 'New Wicca'
    • Wicca can be seen as a deviant religion because of its ties with the occult. however, followers of Wicca claim that true Wicca has nothing to do with evil, but that it is a positive movement about peace and helping.
    • In most Wiccan movements, there is no belief in the end of time. only the belief that the world will be renewed and refreshed as it changes.This is a millenarian belief.


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