Non-communicable Disease

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  • Non-Communicable Diseases
    • Diabetes
      • Type 2
        • Type 2 diabetes is similar to Type 1 diabetes in as much as it is a non-communicable disease.
        • However, where Type 1 diabetes can't be cured, actions can be taken to reduce the risk and sometimes cure you from Type 2 diabetes.?
        • Type 2 diabetes is formed when the pancreases is constantly releasing insulin because of the amount of sugar and carbohydrates the person is consuming. This means that the pancreases can't create enough insulin.
      • Type 1
        • Type 1 diabetes is a non-communicable illness. This means it cannot be passed from one person to another unlike a cold or a flu. However it sometimes can be generic.
        • Type 1 diabetes is when the pancreases fails to produce a substance called insulin. ?
        • People with Type 1 diabetes have to often test the sugar levels and must inject them self every night  or morning with a slow acting insulin which will slowly release insulin over a long period of time, and also, they need to inject before every meal time with a fast acting insulin which activates straight away. The insulin is measured in units and 1 unit is equal to 10g of sugar. This means if you were going to eat a meal with total amount of 50g of sugar and carbohydrates you would give yourself 5 units.
    • Smoking
      • Nicotine
        • Nicotine may also contribute to the hardening of the arterial walls, which in turn, may lead to a heart attack
        • It can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, flow of blood to the heart and a narrowing of the arterieT.
        • Nicotine is a dangerous and highly addictive chemical.
      • Carbon-monoxide
        • Carbon monoxide is a harmful gas you inhale when you smoke.
        • Once it is in your lungs, it’s transferred to your bloodstream.
        • Carbon monoxide decreases the amount of oxygen that is carried in the red blood cells.
      • Tar
        • Tar contains the most harmful and cancer-causing chemicals in the tabaco.
        • When the tabaco smoke is inhaled it can form a sticky layer which covers the inside of the lungs.
        • This can damage the lungs and lead to lung cancer and other lung problem
    • Cnacer
      • Tumour
        • umours are abnormal cells that form growths that form lumps or growths.?They can start in any cell of our body.?Some growths are cancerous, and others are non-cancerous.
        • Cancerous tumours can be very dangerous and hard to remove.?Non-cancerous tumours tend to stay in the same position and don't usually come back once they are removed.
      • Chemotherapy
        • The chemo kills that fast-growing cells.?The chemo can shrink the cancer enough to be able to remove it.?Slows down growth.?Chemotherapy after surgery reduces the risk of the cancer coming back.
      • Radiotherapy?
        • Radiotherapy kills the cancer cells by damaging its DNA.?Can cause side effects such as fatigue and skin problems.


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