Nigeria revision mindmap

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  • Nigeria
    • TNC- (transnational company) a company that operates in more than one country.
      • Quality of Life Impacts (Positives)
        • TNCs often have charities to help people in the country they work in.
        • TNCs can try to develop new sustainable products.
        • TNCs can help countries develop by investing money encouraging.
        • Oil refineries like those in Nigeria use lots of local companies to help them run. This creates a multiplier effect.
        • TNCs pay tax which can be used by the governments of countries to help their people.
      • Environmental Impacts (positives)
        • TNCs allow the import of new technologies into a country, improving it.
        • Many TNCs do try to clean up after they accidentally damage the environment.
      • Quality of Life (negatives)
        • The jobs  in the LICs are not secure. They could lose their jobs without warning if company decide to set up else where cheaper.
        • Employees in LICs might be paid much less than employees in HICs for doing higher intensity jobs.
        • Some TNCs have been known to use child labour in their factories.
        • The profits from the production go straight to the headquarters in the HIC. They aren't reinvested in the LIC.
        • TNCs have been accused of human rights abuses in the past.
      • Environmental Impacts (negatives)
        • TNCs activities have polluted the environment in the past.
        • Many TNCs do try to clean up after they accidentally damage the environment.
    • West coast of Africa bordering the Atlantic coast in the South.
      • Capital city is Abuja in Central Nigeria and the River Niger flows through the country from the north-west to the south coast.
      • Surrounded by Benn to the west, to the north and Cameroon to the east.
      • 150 million people
      • Independent in 1960
    • Aids
      • Government: given directly by a richer country to a poorer country.
        • Disadvantage: Tied meaning LICS has to buy goods from HICS.
        • Advantage: Can provide grants for students to study in HICS.
      • International Organisations: Given by organisations such as the World Bank and the IMF.
        • Disadvantage: LICS become increasingly dependent on aid, and often fall into debt.
        • Advantage: Helps LICS to develop new crops, raw materials and industry.
      • Voluntary: Organisations such as Oxfam and ActionAid which collect money and receive gifts for people in LICS.
        • Disadvantage: Dependent on charity's abilities to collect money.
        • Advantage: Deals with emergencies.
      • Short term: Need to cope with the effects to environmental hazards such as earthquakes and tropical storms.
        • Advantage: Provides food, clothes, medical supplies and shelter.
        • Advantage: Goes to places and people most in need.
      • Long-term: Organisations such as Practical Action that help people in LICS to support themselves.
        • Disadvantage: As it is long-term may take longer.
        • Advantage: Encourages development of local skills and use of local raw materials.


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