Nicholas II

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  • Nicholas II
    • War and Revolution
      • In September 1915, he assumed head of the army on the Eastern Front.
      • In 1907, he formed the Triple Entente with Britain and France, a military alliance.
      • The war failed to with its objective to gain support for the Tsar, and the Russina prestige was damaged.
      • Russo - Japanese war: Russia wasnted to expand territory but Japan declared war.
      • Among other grievences, the Russo - Japanese war was a cause of the 1905 revolution.
    • Life of the Peasants
      • Jewish Pograms existed, and he imposed Russification like his father.
      • In 1905, 20% of peasants had ownership of their land, by 1915 it was 50%.
      • Working conditions were very poor and averaged 11 hours, 6 days a week.
    • Opposition
      • 3000 suspects were convicted and executed between 1906 and 1909 (Stolypin's Necktie).
      • Potemkin Mutiny was part of the 1905 revolution which also saw 110,000 workers on strike.
      • When the petition reached the Winter Palace, it was attacked by the police; the result was Bloody Sunday.
      • A preist, Gapon began the Assembly of Russian workers, he started a petition.
        • When the petition reached the Winter Palace, it was attacked by the police; the result was Bloody Sunday.
    • Economy
      • Witte's policy of Stae Capitalism brought foreign investment
      • Agriculture production rose from 45 million to 61.7 million between 1906 and 1913.
      • Stolypin's 3 crucial reforms: freed peasants from the commune, consolidating holdings and abolished redemption dues.
      • Trans - Siberian railway became Witte's special project; he also introduced the Gold Standard, and neglected agriculture.
  • The war failed to with its objective to gain support for the Tsar, and the Russina prestige was damaged.
  • In 1907, he formed the Triple Entente with Britain and France, a military alliance.
  • Russo - Japanese war: Russia wasnted to expand territory but Japan declared war.
  • Among other grievences, the Russo - Japanese war was a cause of the 1905 revolution.
  • In September 1915, he assumed head of the army on the Eastern Front.
  • Working conditions were very poor and averaged 11 hours, 6 days a week.
  • Jewish Pograms existed, and he imposed Russification like his father.
  • In 1905, 20% of peasants had ownership of their land, by 1915 it was 50%.
  • Opposition
    • 3000 suspects were convicted and executed between 1906 and 1909 (Stolypin's Necktie).
    • Potemkin Mutiny was part of the 1905 revolution which also saw 110,000 workers on strike.
    • A preist, Gapon began the Assembly of Russian workers, he started a petition.
    • Economy
      • Witte's policy of Stae Capitalism brought foreign investment
      • Agriculture production rose from 45 million to 61.7 million between 1906 and 1913.
      • Stolypin's 3 crucial reforms: freed peasants from the commune, consolidating holdings and abolished redemption dues.
      • Trans - Siberian railway became Witte's special project; he also introduced the Gold Standard, and neglected agriculture.
    • Structure of Government
      • 1905 October Manifesto. It granted freedom of consience, speech, meeting and association.
      • Under the Duma, no law could be passed without its consent and prisoners could not be held without charge.
      • In 1864 speech, denouncing the senseless dreams of those who wanted democratic reform.
    • 1905 October Manifesto. It granted freedom of consience, speech, meeting and association.
    • Under the Duma, no law could be passed without its consent and prisoners could not be held without charge.
    • In 1864 speech, denouncing the senseless dreams of those who wanted democratic reform.
    • The Statue of State Security, the University Statue and the Zemstvo Act were brought each under the Tsar's control.
      • Structure of Government


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